All year long, the market has a variety of local vendors from the Fox Valley and surrounding areas who come with their amazing and locally produced products.
If you're interested in being a vendor at any of the Oshkosh Farmers Markets, please email the market at [email protected]. Include what you are wanting to sell or do with your booth space and request an application for whichever market you would like to join. Thank you!
Agriculture vendors have priority over all other vendors. Items sold at the market must be
grown , raised or handmade by the vendor. Please remember, this is a Farmers Market.
grown , raised or handmade by the vendor. Please remember, this is a Farmers Market.
Helpful information regarding vending at OSFMI:
- Prior to participation in the Market, all vendors (including community outreach) shall present to the Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market a valid COI (Certificate of insurance) including no less than $300,000 of liability coverage OR proof that they have included a liability incidental business insurance endorsement on either their farm or homeowners insurance policy including no less than $300,000 of liability coverage.
- Coverage shall be maintained without interruption for the duration of the vendors’ participation in the market.
This must be received with the vendor application. Scheduling/confirmation of dates will not be done without it. - For information regarding a temporary food permit for consumable product(s) you wish to make and sell, including pet treats & food, call the Winnebago County Health Department at (920) 232-3000.
- Scales for weighing produce must be Class III Scales meeting NIST Handbook 44 requirements. These are not normally found in Hardware, Farm, or Department Stores. Don’t buy something that cannot be certified by the City.
Contact Michael Berndt (920) 236-5054 or [email protected] with questions.
- Taxable items sold at our market include all prepared-RTE foods, craft items, potted plants, and cut flowers. Farm products for home consumption; such as vegetables, fruits, meats, cheese, poultry, eggs, honey and syrups; are not taxable and if that is all you sell, you should be exempt. When you can estimate that your total yearly gross sales (not profits) of taxable items, from all of the places you vend, will exceed $1,000 you must charge sales taxes, obtain a Wisconsin Seller’s Permit (Tax Account Number), and then file your returns and pay your sales taxes. Please contact the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for more information and questions.
If you have questions, please contact our market manager:
Michelle Schmid-Schultz, Market Manager
Oshkosh Farmers Markets
PO Box 1201, Oshkosh WI 54903-1201
[email protected]
Oshkosh Farmers Markets
PO Box 1201, Oshkosh WI 54903-1201
[email protected]